The Bible, Video Games, and Hanging Out

In a hush-hush corner of the world, I decided to start something. That something combines my love of the Bible, video games, and hanging out. You see, I started a Bible study for junior high/high school guys. Once a month, for two hours on a Sunday afternoon, I host a Guy’s Bible Study at myContinue reading “The Bible, Video Games, and Hanging Out”

From Across the Net – Giving an Effective Gospel Invitation with Integrity

“It is imperative, however, that there is a plan for immediate follow-up. There are few things worse than someone surrendering to Jesus and no one following up with them.” – Shane Pruitt, Giving an Effective Gospel Invitation with Integrity

Tis the Season

There is so much uncertainty in the air. Uncertainty as far as what the future looks like for the United States; Uncertainty as far as what the pandemic might bring. Everywhere one looks, they are told to think in a certain way. Due to fear, masked in the veil of compassion/the right thing to do,Continue reading “Tis the Season”

Leviticus – Defining the Relationship

I praise God for being a God of detail.